Chadema, ACT row: is there hope still for a 2020 coalition?

The publicly exchange of barbs between leaders of the country’s two opposition parties--Chadema and ACT-Wazalendo--have cast a shadow over the prospects of the most touted coalition ahead of the 2020 General Election.
Tension is ripe between members and followers of the two parties following the controversial step taken by ACT-Wazalendo to criticise Chadema for its decision to accept government invitation to attend this year’s Independence Day celebrations, an invitation the former had declined.
ACT-Wazalendo argued that there was no independence to celebrate in an environment where people are denied their basic freedoms as well as organisations such as political parties and civil societies deprived of their constitutional rights to freely operate in the country.
The disagreement between the parties was further intensified by the decision by Chadema to appeal to the government to open doors for national reconciliation, a call made by party’s chairman Freeman Mbowe during the Independence Day fete, a step, ACT-Wazalendo considered a betrayal of the opposition’s cause.
According to ACT-Wazalendo, any effort to seek reconciliation now is a “flop,” considering how the balance of power between the Opposition and the government has been skewed. They think that any such move entered is most likely to benefit the ruling CCM because there is where the power is leaning.

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