PICS:Basata summons Menina over leaked nude videos

Dar es Salaam. The National Arts Council (Basata) has today October 11, summoned former Bongo Star Search contestant Menina Atik to its offices over porn inclined videos that were leaked on social media yesterday.
The secretary general of the council Godfrey Mungereza confirmed that they had summoned the singer.
She is likely to face punishment from the council which has in the past banned registered artistes for such acts.
It is not clear whether Menina who enjoyed relative success as an artiste after her stint at the Bongo Star Search is registered by the council.
In one of the video clips which is about one-minute long, Menina is seen making out in bed with a man whose face cannot be seen with the artiste in a moment ecstasy.
The other clip which is about 21 seconds the artiste is seen exposing her modesty for all and sundry to see as she quickly rushes to turn off the camera.